Post Tagged with: "Transportation"

Insights On India’s Transportation And Logistics Sector

Insights On India’s Transportation And Logistics Sector

The Shriram Mobility findings offer a detailed snapshot of India’s transportation and logistics sector following the festive season, writes Ashish Bhatia.  Covering vehicle sales, fleet utilisation, fuel consumption, and infrastructure trends, the Shriram Mobility report highlights how festive dynamics influenced the industry and offers insights into the shifting post-festival landscape. The data paints a picture of seasonal re calibration, with[Read More…]

by November 27, 2024 Cover Stories
No Signs Of Freight Costs And Inflation Easing

No Signs Of Freight Costs And Inflation Easing

In an industry talk session, Vijay Vashist, Associate Vice President – BDM at Safexpress Pvt. Ltd. spoke to Ashish Bhatia on the logistics industry preparing for the road ahead despite no signs of freight costs and inflation easing for the sector. Q. What is the significance of the 62nd SIAM Annual session and the industry gathering under one roof? A.[Read More…]

by February 23, 2023 INDUSTRY TALK
APSRTC resumes bus services

APSRTC resumes bus services

Starting operations after a hiatus of two months (of lockdown), the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) has begun running roughly 1683 buses across 436 routes. Doing so with new operating procedures for its employees and safety guidelines for passengers, the state transport undertaking, claim sources, is running buses of categories like Telugu Velugu, Express, deluxe, ultra-deluxe, super luxury[Read More…]

by May 29, 2020 News
redBus starts pre-registration

redBus starts pre-registration

Signalling the restarting of its operations, redBus has announced a pre-registration feature to keep anxious travellers informed about their desired bus routes and bus availability. Coming at a time when an amount of uncertainty is prevailing over permit for inter-city operations, the feature is designed to help travellers to keep track of available routes through app. and email notifications. Said[Read More…]

by May 29, 2020 News