With accidents showing no signs of stopping, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (M&M), in collaboration with Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation Ltd (MSRDC) and SaveLIFE Foundation, has launched the ‘Safety under 80’ campaign as part of the Zero Fatality Corridor (ZFC) initiative. The campaign aims at spreading awareness about the dangers of speeding. Expected to reduce the number of road crash fatalities on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway (MPEW), from an annual average of 130 to zero by year 2020, the initiative, Zero Fatality Corridor (ZFC), tells motorists of the danger and serious consequences of over speeding. Launched in 2014, after Mahindra signed a MoU with SaveLIFE Foundation, and a MoU with MSRDC in 2016, the campaign highlights the 4Es of Road Safety, Education, Engineering, Enforcement and Emergency Care to turn MPEW into a Zero fatality corridor.