Ice Road Truckers (IRT) is a reality television series that premiered on History television channel on June 17, 2007. Mirroring the global series, Ice Road Truckers (IRT) – India’s Deadliest Roads, the Indian series features prominent television and film personality Mandira Bedi, wrestler Sangram Singh, and actor Varun Sharma. For the Indian series, Daimler India Commercial Vehicles (DICV) has associated with History TV18 television channel to provide their truck MD1214R. Finding the concept interesting according to Sominder Singh, Vice President for Domestic Sales, Product Management & Network, DICV, the MD 1214R truck was chosen for the task because of its modern build and comfortable drive. Averred Singh, that they found the concept of the show not and challenging but also fascinating. Also perfect to visually showcase how BharatBenz trucks are built for the toughest conditions. The selection of celebrities in the Indian version (over the selection of seasoned truck drivers in the international series) was done to attract more viewership. Before setting out for the 1200 km journey, through remote and challenging terrains of Leh-Ladakh, Pangong Lake and Nubra valley to reach an altitude of up to 18,000 feet in the Himalayas, the participants underwent training at DICV’s Chennai plant, and on tough terrains like Manali before setting out on the journey. When it came to sharing their experiences, the three celebrities described the show format as the most challenging. The series is expected to draw attention to the tough life truck drivers in India lead. The three celebrities had a first hand experience of what the truck drivers go through quipped Bedi at an event held in Mumbai to announce the airing of the series.