Polaris India inaugurated its third ‘Polaris Experience Zone’ in Haryana. After Faridabad and Daruhera, Gannaur in Sonepat has been equipped with an artificial undulated track with sludge pits spread across 3 acres for an adventurous ride experience zone. The track also encompasses water passages, humps and tyre hurdles to enhance the thrill. Adventure seekers can put hands on any of the five All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)- two Phoenix 200, two Outlaw 90 and one Sportsman 90. To experience the dirt track thrills, either of the five ATVs can be hired in an hourly rental basis. Located 50kms away from Delhi, the one at Gannaur is the 40th experience zone Polaris has invested into. The company has made available skilled trainers to make sure that there is no compromise in safety.