Post Tagged with: "Cummins"

Cummins banks on advanced powertrain technologies

Cummins banks on advanced powertrain technologies

Looking at India as an important market, Cummins Inc. is banking on advanced powertrain technologies to be a provider of choice. Story by: Ashish Bhatia Cummins Inc. announced an investment of Rs.300 crore towards the development of BSVI technologies and expansion of manufacturing facilities at Phaltan. The company also announced an investment of Rs.1000 crore to Rs.1500 crore towards the[Read More…]

by September 24, 2017 INDUSTRY TALK

Cummins to make India an export hub?

Engine and filtration technologies specialist, Cummins Inc., is planning to bring all its top components and technologies, such as electronic fuel systems and after-treatment systems, to India, claim industry sources. The global chairman and chief executive of the Group, Tom Linebarger, is known to have said that they are looking at making India an export hub for the world. He[Read More…]

by January 6, 2017 News
About engines

About engines

    Q & A Anant J Talaulicar, Managing Director, Cummins Group India Interview by: Ashish Bhatia Q. Cummins and Tata Motors have had a long association. How do you look at the journey? A. Cummins and Tata Motors have been partners for 23 years. The 50:50 joint venture partnership between the two companies dates back to 1993. Production at Tata Cummins[Read More…]

by June 1, 2016 Domestic, Expert Speak, INTERVIEW