The policy on vehicle scrappage is ready, and will be announced in the next few months, claim industry sources. They add that the objections and suggestions from the public have been looked into, and the final version of the policy draft has been prepared. The policy draft is expected to be tabled soon for the government to take a decision. Aimed at encouraging people to scrap their old vehicles and replace them with fuel efficient and less emitting vehicles, the policy, claim sources, will offer tax and other benefits. The policy draft is said to propose bringing under the ambit of the policy vehicles made before April 2000, the year when BSI emission standards were introduced. The Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), claim industry sources, wants the policy to be implemented according to the age of the vehicle since the country does not enough infrastructure to inspect the health of vehicles and certify them. Scrappage policy, they add, won’t be compulsory even though it would encourage people to scrap their old vehicles and opt for new vehicles. For scrapping of vehicles, some pilot projects have been performed by the government. These could be implemented in states with sizeable vehicle population and air quality issues.

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