Pune Smart City Development Corporation (PSCDCL) has come up with an idea to introduce electrical buses in the city under the go-green initiative, claim industry sources. The civic body, under the Pune Mahananagar Parivahan Mahamandal (PMPML), is looking at procuring three electrical buses for month-long trial. The three buses were chosen such that out of the 11 companies that showed interest. Only three companies could provide electric buses for trial therefore. The decision to procure three electric buses for a month-long trail, was taken by PSCDCL members under the chairmanship of Nitin Kareer. Expected to be deployed between Aundh, Baner and Balewadi areas of the city, the three electric buses, claim sources, is part of a plan to deploy 100 electric buses in Pune in total, and over a period of time. Subject to financial viability and performance, the civic body will study various factors governing the operation of these buses, including the expenditure incurred to recharge the bus batteries. The drivers for the three buses, sources said, will be provided by the respective bus company. PMPML will charge standard fare on these buses at least initially. Sources claim further that, as per the directions of National Green Tribunal (NGT), at least 25 electric buses will ply on the Manali-Rohtang highway during the summer tourist season. The move follows the NGT having limited the number of vehicles to visit Rohtang pass. The electric-buses are expected to provide tourist services. Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) is said to be arranging charging points at various locations for these buses.

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