Pricol has announced the commissioning of its new plant at Phulgaon, Pune. Spread over an area of 6.5 acres, the plant, incorporating green concepts of solar power and Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) air conditioning, is expected to generate a revenue of Rs.220 core in the next two years. Equipped with roof-top solar panels, which would fulfill 40 per cent of the daily power requirement, the plant has its production lines designed on a lean manufacturing principle and improved layout for streamlined material flow to ensure quality consistency and material efficiency. The new plant, as part of Pricol’s 2020 vision, will deliver on surface-mount technology (printed circuit board manufacturing). This technology is finding increasing use in commercial vehicles, off-road and tractor segments among others. Surface-mount Technology will also propel Pricol in body control module and telematics business. The technology pump production lines at the plant will cater to domestic and export markets.


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