The union minister for road transport and highways, Nitin Gadkari, in his address at an educational institution at Pune recently, is known to have announced that electric buses, cars and two wheelers will gain more visibility next year onwards. This would also apply to ethanol and other bio-fuel buses. Gadkari is said to have reasoned that seven-lakh crore litre of crude oil is imported into the country, which is affecting the country’s economy. Electric vehicles, the minister is known to have expressed, will provide relief. Hinting at commercialising production of Lithium ion batteries, the minister is also said to have informed that the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) could devise a way to ensure that a battery on the London bus costing Rs.55 lakh is produced locally and made available at Rupees five lakh. The government, Gadkari is claimed to have said during the address, has decided to produce second generation ethanol from biomass, and an agreement in this regard has been inked with 15 industries.